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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles - April 15, 195^ 174-2 i-*— 80-11 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt: (cc - Mr. C. M. Cory Mr. L. R. Maag ) You have copy of Mr, Montgomery’s letter to Mr. Camp­bell dated April 13th setting forth Mr. Montgomery'^ Idea with respect to additional wells to be drilled to take care of the temporary summer demand for water In Las Vegas, In line with our telephone conversation, I attach a memorandum of telephone conference I had with Mr. Muth, Assistant to Mr. Shamberger who is on leave of absence, rela­tive to securing permission of the State Engineer’s office for early drilling of these wells. I am quite certain you will have no difficulty with the State Engineer’s office. I also attach a memorandum prepared by Mr. Adamson commenting on Mr. Montgomery's letter to Mr. Campbell. You will note there Is considerable variation in price between Mr. Montgomery’s estimated total cost and Mr. Adamson's. Mr. Montgomery has a total cost for two wells of $83,560 which Includes pumps. Mr. Adamson, on the other hand, has two figures, one of $25,7^.88, and, one of $27,088.28, de­pending upon the weight of casing, excluding pumps. I think Mr. Montgomery has undoubtedly underestimated his proposed costs; and assuming that Mr. Montgomery's figure is correct for the cost of the pumps, or reasonably correct, there would be an additional $8,000 to be added to Mr. Adam­son's figure of $25,7^ or $27,088, as the case may be, for the completion of the wells with pumps installed. I assume that Mr. Adamson's figures include the items "connecting pipe lines” referred to in Mr. Montgomery's letter. In discussing this matter with Mr. Maag yesterday in Las Vegas, at which time we did not have Mr. Adamson's figures, he stated that Mr. Montgomery had not included any sums for electrical work and transformer stations at each well, so here again Mr. Montgomery's figures are too low. Mr. Maag is going to have in your office tomorrow a complete estimate of all these items, as near as he can determine them after talking with some of the local well drillers in Las Vegas and reviewing Mr. Adamson's letter of