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Sheet 4* Form 21916 C S 10- 28- 150,000 t r-* L E G R A M SYMBOL X CLASS OF SERVICE REQUIRED Indicate by X in proper line T l Px Preferred Immediate delivery the class of service required. Filed ... .....M Dx Day Delivery during day Do not specify preferred service if other service w ill Time Nx Night Delivery by next morning answer the purpose. at Hearn* As % t er Goiapany furnishes p ra c tic a lly entire water supply to city , tide per capita consumption sig n ific a n t. At same time It should be borne in mind policy followed teg ¥©gas baa been with view c iv ic improvement and betterment of surroundings afforded ra ilro a d employe# • In view these conditions and especially attitude respecting nualelpal ownership not only o f water plant but of e le c tric power plant, i t i s deemed unwise to do anything th is time tending to increase water rates. I f Land and Water Company were at th is time to put Into e ffe c t meter rates provided fo r in the two franchises mentioned and extend equivalent charges to other tracts at present d ire ctly and in directly served by i t , or as alternative i f to avoid expenditure fo r meters application were now made to Commission fo r increase in f l a t rates su ffic ie n t to o ffse t anticipated lo ss to Land and Water Company, estimated at #5,000 for 1923 and a probable aggregate of #40,000 to #50,OCX) by 1934 (a s It is expected loss w i ll increase due to improvements in Joint f a c ilit i e s now in course construction#, we may be faced with municipal ownership* our 70 per cent proportion In connection with which would In a l l p robability amount to as much as or more than estimated anticipated aggregate lo s s . It is , o f course, not certain that we could secure desired Increases in 1934^ o r is i t certain we would not at that time be faced with municipal ownership, but It is opinion the present would be an inopportune time to attempt a raise in rates. Foregoing Intended apply to arrangements at present in