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La* Veg&s «? aaptesbcr 29# 1950 * 2>1 ar# Ua* Aeinhardti ( 99 Hr* 1» E* Bennett I enclose print shovingproposed layout of & £ & * la lisa. ns* Beverly Green Qakey HU&*# Si Centre t Ardadcitt#i osno,u tahn odf l etter frw* the developers, F a M Bowes Im *$ whloh la »«&? explanatory* fls# City Planning Cosuiiesioa advises they hairs approved the layout of Block 1 and Block A* hut the »a»$5a®»_©ayt ff totis Tract Is still under The subdivides plan to construct larasdi&tsly m units on the 6 lots in Bloch A* sad 1 have advised then that ns oas w U X receive any refunds tr m m tm service to &&s block* b* cannot refund to Paterson M e m o s his contract provides (CA 105h9> refund* t d H be wads froa ous towers la Host I in £L Centra* On the other head* ns cannot refund to Federal Bonos bosses* they have no invest* mm% ia the pips Has* Kill he- glad to have Itr* Bennett1* s » « # in this* Federal Bobss iaqulrs whether mts* sain can hs extended trough Hook 1# using as®* of &se 10* pipe they new have on hand instead of th# ®* shown on the plan* they bought 1000 fast of 10* pip* about 2 years ago which they say cost than K j f c par foci sod they would like to be given credit for this ascent In ths refund contract* 1 do not sss hoc vs can do sc when the current pries of 10f pips le #2.57 pins f*18 freight or $2,75 per foctt and if vs css their pips# X . suggest that m refund on the foa#i 0 #f current cost* X ancles* an Estimate of Cost to Install water line In Hook 1 on the basis of th* subdivides* furnishing the pips and sill be g U A to have your adviss as to whether vs can proceed with such an arrangeosat, providing# of couras# the pips is in satisfactory condition* n m i do net request work order auth^ity on this until negotiation* are handled further with the subdivides** A* is* Fclger