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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    B O A R D O F E X A M I N A T I O N Civil Engineers and Surveyors McWilliams. Pres. D. Baker. Sect. Paul Hosman. CITY OF IAS VEGAS GATEWAY TO BOULDER DAM LAS VEGAS. NEVADA June 27,1930 Mr Walter R. Bracken, Vice Pres, L.V.Land and Water Co,, City. My dear Sir: Eeferring to your request made some time ago for price and terras of sale for Block lo.l of the Original Townsite of las Vegas,which I own, I will state that I deliberately delayed planing same in letter form until now that it seems that the Boulder Dam Project will get under way in the near future and your Company can make use of the land to much better advantage for the upbuilding of las Vegas than can any private firm or individual. I feel that your Company will need part of my land for laying additional side tracks leading to the proposed new R.R,depot. Two years ago I sold all of said Block ETo.l on term payr ments and payments have been kept up. The land waw to be used for tourist camp grounds. The purchaser was here recently and viewed the many other tourist camp grounds and requested me to obtain for him a 10 to 15 year lease on the major portion of the raw desert brush triangular shaped tract laying between Clark Avenue and the Private Right of Way laid out this past year by your Company. He wishes to use the land for an auto service site and will agree to erect a strictly modern up to date building for said purpose only. He will relinquish the contract for sale of Block Ho.l if you will lease a part of the triangle. I was instrumental in making the change. I have used one of the plats of the Original Townsite of Las Vegas, which I enclose, to illustrate the location of the triangu- ; lar tract of land, Clark A venue.private right of way,at least I have _______________ - I _________t_______. _______________»________________________• ________________________________________________________ .............