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a m Mm S . . v- ' j H ? Vegas ’later Supply. Jimo 16, IS 09* 613. !;:r. |S B.. B an croft, • 1st Vie© P resid en t, V&rn S pCSfc! . Olwrf"., •' ; ‘ End Vic © P re s id e n t, / Special Offimittee. .Gentlemen j Herewith .enclosed I 3mnd/you re p o rt o f Olmsted & O d llelen , Kunieip&l SnginsarB, dst^E dune 14 th, 1909, upon the er toils ion o f the' Xoe 1 •s water mpe line from its upper and at the intake reservoir to the several springs that furnish, the m t o r W supply, and also upon the" prot/ction of the springs. Ton w i l l not© th at i f i j not considered fe a s ib le to extend t h o l E j j presen t lin o because in ' ite/deoajsred. con d ition i t would not-.-withstand “ th e-a u d itio n a l head to i t . would ho snhjeeted owing. *>© oh© springs b ein g some 26 fe a t h igh er than the r e s e r v o ir . Two -other schemes «r© proposed and- in d ica ted as. p ro p o sitio n s ? f/•ij- v cUAv* -, Proposition $/o. i suggests i^e laying, o f a now p ip e .from the ra ilro a d tank to ©wring B,’ the main spring. Three estimates ©re / /TV*'' -made fo r th is fo r tM*eo d ifferen t; kind© o f p ip e, inclu din g d and fe n c in g springs/sad fr e ig h t c h a r t s a t commereial ra te s . ^||' rfho f i r s t estim ate ir* fo r s te e l wire, wound wood stave pip© ilP~ fray' 7 " : Sf||| wiiioh would co st / -120B9.00; a second fo r copper w ire wound wood stave p ip oV h ici/ w ou ld cost 20,375.00; and the th ir d f o r a