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I agree.Jazz* 3, 1920* 59-PP Mr. W« H# Comstock, Ms Angeles. Pear Sir:- I have copy of"’Mr. J>frefs letter of January 2nd to you in regard to the renewal of 3200 feet of las Togas pipe line, replacing the vitrified pipe with wood stave con'? trust ion. It is unfortunate that we cannot secure quicker delivery on this material, hut in view of the quotations made to Mr* Maguire, I presume that delay in that respect is unavoidable# In the meantime every precaution should he taken to avoid a repetition of the /pipe line trouble which we have experienced bin two occasions in the recent past and which results in shutting off the water supply from the city. I presume that Mr. Maguire will take stepsto reduce the chance of this to a minimum. I do not believe that extensive repairs such as encasing line in cement or.similar action should he undertaken at this time, by reason of the large expense which would thereby he entailed. .Tfo® the quotations which are shown in fir* ?(3agttire,s letter, it is my opinion that it is advisable to accept the bid of the Pacific Sank & Pipe Company, and urge upon them the need of delivery of the material at the earliest possible date. Yours very truly,