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Sheet Si , Tv&oe and location of Water Company Elko Mimlof Ipal Water forks* ElfcOgHevade Hesidental or Private Dwelling 5 Rook®, or mpTe .with, sower ^ connection .§3,00 3 Boons or stors^out* sidf. hy&r* only $2*00 4 Bootes or less water , in hjjuse K|i0 Western States Utilities Co., Winneauooa« Bey. Apartment Houses §2.25 per Apt* Hospitals, Hotels| lodging or Bungalow |f Booming Courts Houses Cabins 1 or 2 Boom i H i 10 Booms or less with R$eios«toaour ant Bath $1*00 Toilet #1*00 each room with water 2 5 jl Over 10 rooms special Booming House 10 Booms or less no water in rooms $6*00 each room with running water 25jT Bath 'll.00 Toilet $1,00 Office Buildings Hot shown Public Toilets {, and Baths $1*00 each Laundry §10*00 |#8-.>Oo| each Service Hot ; shown Garags Public $4.00 BUkery §3.00 Schedule of rate not furnished; Barber $ ohairs , §3.00 extra - chair §1.00 eaoh Bath' :f.i*co Toilet § 1.00 Botcher Shop §3.00 Cooling Water Befr I t erating Machine Hot shown Creamery Drug Store Club Booms ? With Bar but no ; Sleeping Quarters | or Bluing Boom §3*00 §3*00 |a,os City of lovelock, lovelock, Hey* §3.00 each 6 or lass $1.00 §1*00 each each over 6 each Hospital §5.00 Hotels 14 rooms or less $3|50 16 to 29 rooms §6.00 30 rmoomms or Ectshsm Set shwm Hard § 6*00 Steam § 10.00 With| bath §3*00 without bath §1.50 abcwa l u n c h o t ^:r^ Hpt ’^ ^ - Hot ': \ JfOt I shewn . Meter Ratess June 000 k ls . W per JJ~2 000 to 15 000 Gal»*lSj/per :o. 35 000 Gals. 20^ per M-AU over 25 000 Gals* 25^ per Hovember 1st to May 31s th irs t 2 000 Gals. 50jf per M-411 over 2 000 Gals* 12§jf per M.s Minimum chsvgr (560 eu.ft.l §1.60~501 «U*ft* |$ par hnndred-All over 10 000 cu, ft* 5^ per hundred. Fallon^Tev. . 'S&wW-‘ shown §5*00 each Hot shown §3*50 each more >10*00 ?paopa|K*HeVi | - -BoKSstic -SshearipE -m-\:0 ooo • «f.p ;• $ 4 000 '* 2.50 ;,/»-? it M S 4 000 • 2.00 m: n •f : 89 000 » » 1.78 ft 200 000 plftl 1*50 * 000 If .11 1.25 fr Office of Vice President and Agent, l&s Tegas, Hevada * July 8, 1932* SoEgaoralal A Industrial Schedule First ooo Galaiv'Sto§3. 75 | M Hext ? , 000 . wr; • 3. 15 18 g|»;M 000 2*,85 •ff ft | # 000 J|pfe 2*30 - If •- .* - ;^v.9 89 000 2.00 ' ; vM. 200 coo m m 1.75 § ft •rift. ;/•. ;ft,. 200 ooo 1.45 : **