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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    29 28 CONTINUED (CONTD) 28 ANDY What about your job, seems to me you*re doing just the opposite of what they told you. MARY ANN As of now I*m not working for them. Just remember what I said. ANDY All right, if that*s what you want that*s what 1*11 do. MARY ANN Promise? ANDY Promise. DISSOLVES 29 INT THORPE AND WALTERS SUITE - NIGHT ?╜?╟≤ CLOSE ON ANDY 29 CAMERA PULLS BACK as he speaks, and we see he is back at the conference table with the boys. ANDY All right boys, you just bought yourselves a gold mine. WALTERS One million dollars. THORPE A oashier*s check? ANDY That?╟╓s right. And a ;iipaper drawn up saying I told you there wasn?╟╓t any gold there. And a five percent commission to Mary Ann. WALTERS You*11 never be sorry about this, Mr. Cooley. THORPE You made a good deal. ANDY I know I did. DISSOLVE