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    Form 30C C S 6-31-15 joOO y WORK ORDER AUTHORITY FOR PROPERTY RETIRED AND NOT TO BE REPLACED _Department_ Nevada Division August 24. 193 3 Authority for an estimated expenditure of $_ Lots 19 and 20. Slock .for Retirement of_i room dual 11 lAB T with four ,j ^ ^, ^Q&^c^p.tion. 9^.-^<pjperJPr On the property of Now operated by _ At. Las y>gta« Nevada louO o Xji o I oyv (Station or Location) Date and authority reference under which constructed or acquired Laud acquired iu 1905" Swell!gg constructed about 1910c Detailed estimate (Forms IQ-fTiftii 30-2) and plan attached. Reason for Retirement: To convey o $0© 52^ Son" th Four 9 end 20, Block 26 with four room th Street, Lee Fegas* Nevada, to dwell! 1tir. Goo? V. Deveteli Audit No. 5785* dated and tif$ tfjft) 1926. ms of lease, with privilege to pu rchi^i 1 Character of Improvement No. Copies to: 1. Ledger value of Property Retired and not to be Replaced creditable to “Investment in H*** Sst&te.atA iscella seaus Preps rty $ 1 900 1 $ 1 901 3 04 8 2. Estimated cost o/T^moval of Property; ^etife.d and ijotjto b^ Replaced ^ - 3. LESS—(a) JEshmatedCVaiue of salvage -chargeable to “Materiahon HanA-vStore Bepk” - - - - - 4. (b) Amount of insurance recovered chargeable to “Insurance Claims” ------- r* / \ St&Xd price o x prop^i^y . 5. (c) -----------c----------------*7----g------|---------?-------------------------------------- 6. DIFFERENCE—(a) Chargeable to “Loss on RetiredRoad and Equipment” ------- (b) Creditable to “Profit on Rsjlcliaiad; Eapipmijnt Sold” - - - - - - (c) Chargeable or Creditable to “Operating Expenses” - - - - - - . - $ ? i*si% - . 0 dnr) ?4(r': * * * Hal * * * * * $ $ 1147 $ Calculations and Distribution Correct Correct v;» *9 .-----—:—?—:------——- . --------E : . . _ Wa 1 <> Cooper - Sept FOR AUDITOR DATE Recommended by . : ? - V ? . I No. 21? Recommended bv Ay Knickgrbo.okftr------------------------- < ~ Nevada J Valuation Section No. Approved, ? Wo tto JsfftrS_______________. ( Department No.--------- Pr a sii« nt Mwfff Date Issued 9® gt 9 a 1933__________193_______