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    SLSULI c m or las rmm m m m h m i m m m 3$ 195& U i fog®kot Bmth® t2inMduS .a atrnodo t Sonpany % m vogsoa, nmm&& A tt'a; Hr. Kaag ©#®y Sin tty* C ity of U s vega* is , *t th is tin®, standing t t e lr »w«r f& O llititt, < nd you .no l# f| ls- *r* of t&§ e<mt» prolate f*o«d toy the oity wiitl regard to th# smr«r eastern. Is vlow i f this roaord growth i$ is ieparativ* that t i t emm *f*tm t» «sp®js&@€ granny withtn * aoB&sr&tivoly -short tins* Ms «r# th*r«f«p# r»^««8tlisg m % m m m * m&r th« following dosorihod p&rools of land for sswar purpot##, y&roel X - The Snttorly ton <10) fw t of the Soathvfftt ttMMiwrtor of tfc* Southe&st ono-$usrt«r «nd the * eotorly tm (10) foot af tfco Southeast on#-quart«* of th» 9outfeo**V «M-£|Wt«r of ftotflMI 30, tovnohlp 20 South, Bang* 6l Sant, * H. y&rosl I - The Mtstorly ton f l it foot of iho ftortfcftart ss#-s„«mrt*r sf tho fStoourtthhoons-isstt oonn#+«^a:yhMs»Crttv^*r aofn d tftcho * B*a'r«taht*or&lojtr o«#**(1q0m)r tf#oro t# Mof thtfoa o Sastartj Ten CIO) foot of the Southeast oR«-qu*rt«r of th# KorthMst m&* quarter a M th* Southerly twenty (20) foot of th# ferttaast m *~ :4U«-.rttr of station 31, fwmofcir 20 South, Jtengo 61 ISoot, »,J)#®#A§t* fh® Southerly twenty <20) foot of the SswthPMt ono*t9Rfftof of tfss mrttmmt ona-qnartw* of asotion 32, township 30 South, Rang* hi la s t, tf.&«9« § M« v# $loo roquoot on Shsonoiit ooor th® fo il owing dooorthod firotli of leal for rood p&rpmm, so the oowor will «X*« So within tftooo lMwoftooios* ysrodl &