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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, October 15# 195i* 1-733U Mr* V. W* Smith - Los Angeles (2) Referring to your letter dated September 8, 1951*# concerning procedure to be followed during construc­tion of Las Vegas Valley Water District*s 3 0 -inch water pipeline and 5>l-inch r .c .P. casing to be jacked under our tracks at Las Vegas, Nevada: The attached print Dwg. P-518 dated October 13, 1951*# indicates the procedure to be followed by Railroad forces during construction period: 1. Temporarily spike north (or east) switch of engine run-around track No. 227* Take up approximately 35 feet of Track No* 227 at Location of pipe line crossing. Construct earth and tie bumper on Track No. 227# as shown on print. 2* Provide red flag by day and lighted red lantern by night on the bumper. 3« Replace and resurface track in its original location upon completion of pipeline work. Las Vegas Valley Water District will jack the casing pipe under Tracks No. 1, Main Track, Passenger Main No. 32 and Freight House Track No. 18. The jacking pit will be Installed at location shown on print. Consideration was given to jacking casing pipe underneath Track No. 227 also, but-District is of the opinion it will be practically impossible to jack the additional distance required to main­tain Track No. 227 in service due to the fact test holes Indicate very hard material to jack through*. If District were to attempt jacking operations from the easterly side, the jacking pit would be in the way of our freight house and platform operations. Therefore, I suggest at the proper time your section forces remove portion of Track No. 227, store the materials and replace track when pipe line work at that location is completed. Expense to be invoiced to Las Vegas Valley Water District along with any other charges you may haVfe for inspection, etc. in accordance with terms of agreement LA&SL CA No. 10682 dated June 1, 1953# between Railroad Companies, 0C7 1 5 >954 L. C. C. -X u * ..