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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    mm oziMimi.sheet mgmm. 4* Claeses of Consumers * Mhere tee or more classifica­tions ft consumers art served by oat tartlet, each classification till be separately rated. for all services whether the premiees are oooiipled or not until ter-* rite shall be, In vrlting, ordered discontinued. 6. Q*ner Charged - (bargee for voter eerrloe may be made against the ovner of the premises served. Resuming berries - then eerrloe le discontinued pur- scant to Rules S and 6, It vlll not be re-established until all de» Unguent oharges are paid. vater, vlthout notlee, for the purpose of asking repairs or exten- slona. to property line, lneludlng tapping of vater aalns and the shut off, shall be Installed, salntained and ovned by the Mater Company sub­ject to the obligation of the applleant to pay the relieving charges* for 3/4* connection idth service line extending from main to property line not exceeding 60 feet, $X6.00. For 1* eonneotlon vlth eerrloe line extending from main to property line not exceeding 60 feet, #20.00. For over 1* and not exceeding 2* oonneotion vlth serrloe line extending from main to property line not exceeding 60 feet, 160.00* o* Plapgi&l o« of Ohergee * Mater rates vill be charge! 8. Mergenoy Shut-Offs - The Mater Company may shut off 9. Service Lines - All eerrloe linee extending from mains