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I agree.Las Vegas Valley Water District Valves, Distribution Facilities of Predecessor Caapany Meters, As at December 31, Fire Hydrant 1950 Connections Item Appraisal Allocated Qu&nfciisr Amount Cost Valves and Valve Bases? Valve 490 $ 10,8G0oQ0 # 7,466*00 4 inch valves 81 4,450*00 3,076o00 4 inch valves (Karlin Water Co0) 4 220cOO 1520co 6 Inch valves 299 26,750,00 18,493*00 8 inch valves 118 15,0OOoCO 10,370*00 10 inch valves 26 5*000*00 3,457*00 12 inch valves 20 5,00©o00 3,457*00 Total Valves and Valve Bcoces $ 67,220*00 meaiwiau © ?.,rf.i.uu.i $ 46;471oOO Meters? 8 inch Sparling meter 1 $ 440*00 1 304*00 8 inch Trident meter with c me rate bale 1 2,009*00 1,389*00 8 inch Clayton cheek valve with fittings 1 508,00 351*00 8 inch, pressure-reducing valve sei>=>vpt complete with fittings and concrete 6 ibCnDcCh 1 3,190*00 2,205®OO check valve 1 6O0OO 41*00 12 inch pressure»reducing valve set=up<, complete with fittings and concrete box 1 4,742*00 3,273*00 C-al'i/o pack anodes 7 I6O0OO H 2o00 Total Meters and Miscellaneous $ 11,109*00 $ 7,680*00 Fir© Hydrant Connectionss 3 inch 11 $ 870*00 $ 601*00 6 inch 290 33,350*00 23,056*00 6 inch (Marlin Water Co0) 1 1X5*00 80*00 Total Fire Hydrant Ceoneetisgis # 34,335*00 * 23,737*00