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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Drinking water supplied passenger coaches at las Vegas.Nevada.... Los Angeles, C a lifo rn ia June 11th,1915 F ile 613 Mr. H. C. N utt, General Manager. Dear S ir : R e fe rrin g to ydur p e n c il note attached to Mr C u llen 's ? l e t t e r o f May 25th p erta in in g to samples and an alysis o f drink­ing water supplied passenger coaches at la s Vegas; I t seems to me the f i r s t th in g to he done is to have a sam­p le o f water taken from the hydrant which is a c tu a lly supplying water to the coaches and not from/the hydrant down by the. drug s to re ; have i t analyzed a n d ,if i t f a i l s to come up to standard, we s h a ll have to make a d e ta ile d ' in v e s tig a tio n in to the ca u se.I, am loa th to b e lie v e there is anything wrong w ith the water as i t comes from the la s Vegas spring/. The sample o f water should be taken by a respon sible employe o f the Company and particu lar^ pa re taken to have the v e ss e l used to re c e iv e the sam ple.properly s t e r iliz e d and to be sure that no fo r e ig n matter gets in to the v e s s e l when,or a fte r ,th e sample is taken. Yours tr u ly , C h ief Engineer