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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1 Map of Water Field, No. 1-Tracing. --- - 4 - 74, Scale 1«= 100'. Cloth Logs of Wells Nos. 1 to 11. Weir Readings of Wells Nos. 1 to 11 and 3 springs. Meter Readings for Ogden Street, Clark Street, Westside, mtewtoe risn. Charleston Blvd., Bonanza Village and County Hospital tank f1 roSmet Cohfi caTgroa cBirnigdsg eo n &3 I0r0o,n0 00Co-.gallon elevated, steel water 1 Set of Prints for Gravity Water Supply. spring1. Tracing for present and proposed intake to pipe lines at 1921. 1 Tracing for profile and location of 16» C.I.P., December, 1923 o ^ TraclnS ^or H ne> L. V. Springs to Las Vegas, August, water 1 lPinreisn,t o5f- 1-t4o4p.ographical map showing location of wells and Field books are not to be delivered to the District upon the close of escrow; however, the First Parties agree, upon written request by the District, to provide excerpts from said field books pertaining to any of the properties transferred by this agreement. EXHIBIT -3-