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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    State of Nevada Office of State Engineer Carson City May 25, 1945 ' 1107?, 11246, 11249 Las Vegas 'Land and Water Company c/o Walter Bracken, VIoe President Lae Vegas, Nevada \ Robert Bo Griffith Lae Vegas, Nevada Gentlemens | v; In the Matter of Application 11077 filed March 6, 1944 by Robert B. Griffith to appropriate underground water- and which was protested by the Lae Vegas Land and Water Company January 29, 1944 and Application Ho. 11246 to change the point of diversion of the waters appropriated under Application Ho. 11077 and also In the Matter of Application No. 11249 filed March 1, 1945 fey the Lae Vega® Land and water Company to appropriate underground water and which was pro­tested May 16, 1945 by Robert B. Griffith. You are herewith informed that formal hearing will be held on these applications on June 12th, 1945 in the court room in the City Hall starting at 10 A.M.' - - | \ Very truly your®, • ALFRED MERRITT SMITH . State Engineer By /a/ Hugh A. Shaaberger Hugh A. Shambsrger Assistant State Engineer