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\ S S f l ^ V D istrict agrees to iNWft (a) Pipe Hist® between points M iM tJU w m m m substitute 14a® mist be provided before this lias is removed, suggest this subparagraph be eflinln&ted tm m bastion 1 and laooiporatsd in. sections 2 and 3® (b) Pip* line between points 11 i M JJ. agawamt Recently thsrs has been m public demand that # « 8 % ©squire n m site anti m m t r m t « e d « m for iMigents. in. which w § 1 present site would b® a**llsb3.* for industrial purposes, f# pemit orderly development the portion of the 8* lias between points II skid $ should b® removed sad rsssostmotsd along the southerly prolong®-* tlon o f i Street t* m Point % to m w im t im with line bit* This losstdoo Is preferable to the ___M I B H I I Si as there is no lias B onm m M a d at faint Si* wean points I til ft* line indicated between points ff and i s r - — — fei -------- SilbMftiJW this subparagraph should be fl&lssln&ted IM i baotion 1 and inootpomted la stations 2 and % Co) and (d) Power Lines. Cement In addition to rental of poser H a s s *?- ;-.- ' to in subparagraphs (a) and (&)* t o psvtr line frm point ff to pmm station at Iffi| rsnsfsiU 'Vi is ta b# rtlosatsdt would fes In addition to t o &havBg X suggest t o following! X* 2* m additional, oul^firagraph bo added requiring rtoraX of t o pipe line extending easterly fro® t o pussping plant at H8 to m m m t l m with the water line extending seatoo&y s3U lints o f motion. 33 fro© point H thresh point If . Provision tot in front of failure of District to r « f i facilities referred to in this Station 1, that hsllAOsd Ctei^siiy Mgr rsoovs at Aistrist «s* psast*