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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS EVENING REVIEW - JOIEUAL A p ril 9, 1936. fm<Ps| er en >ol n- .n-te feas f a s tupping p i xit: sprcuuieu his uaciA/jLit:s, o o .ii, oit" u:io . " City Board Plans Inquiry Into Local Water Situation, Concerning Waste The. Las Vegas city commission, last evening announced a detailed investigation" by the. board into the local water situation prepara­tory to adopting regulatory or­dinances to prevent waste during the coming summer months. Requested by the Las Vegas Land & Water company to re­enact the rigid ordinance adopt­ed in 1934, the board decided to go into the matter with a view to determining just what is neces­sary in the way Of legislation; ? “It is our purpose to find out the exact situation, and to be fair to both the company, and the people,” Mayor Arnett said. “Thete Sis no- question but that there is some waste and that it should be slopped. There are also . leads in the line'that1 should be repaired.; All these things iyill be taken care of in some manner,” - MfSr~<5y -M --M «GoveTOVTnrmu>.r member of; the city;/cem etery board A ppeared boftfre thp'mom-nussipivio teqder her'-.rpsfgnation after 22\pars of ag^iee. j3he saicjAthis hetion ip protest • over' Xhe aW iom rof the sexton, and also overkdne recent'resigna­tion of Mrs. m n . B. MinfciV Mrs. McGovern Aharfed thgx thek, sex­ton had dsen “\oing overXpur heads” T O n oia tta d that• should be decided by lire ^anetery board, and sa$ also that tl\re. was too much/detaii. Whhk onXthe board. for anyone to carry oiKwithout paw . .. \ ? Mayor L. L. Arnett ..assured Mfrs. .McGovern that the city cpm- / (Continued on Page ThredA | t t I ft * * ?+? fry. A < A. A A A A A W v M ; m OFFICE OF general manager M APR 1U 936 V d U. P. R. R. §0.