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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ? - 2- Mr. Hedge8 found the f i r e fig h tin g equipment in good con dition and in p la ce, w ith th is exception , one pump tank was missing from hox lo c a ted on corner o f record room, near roundhouse. On taking th is up w ith F ire C hief Rushton, he informed Mr. Hedges that th is pump tank was in the shop, and that he would f i l l same and return i t to i t s proper lo c a tio n . On the two tracks lea d in g to the stock yards, ju s t hack o f the shop yard fen ce, there are a number of o u t fit oars stored , these cars are open, having never been n a iled or locked up. On the other o f these two tracks, there are several stock cars and weeds growing along th is track which creates a f i r e hazard to these cars. I have c a lle d th is to the a tte n tio n o f Road-master Davis, who has ordered the sectio n foreman to see that the weeds are removed. Mr. Hedges, in company w ith Agent Thomas, Round­house Foreman Morley and C hief Rushton, have gone over the valves at C alien te that should be shut o f f in case o f f i r e . One va lve con tro ls a l l the water in the sta tio n and ea tin g house and is lo c a ted s ix ty fe e t west o f the s ta tio n o f f i c e , one v a lv e con trols a l l water in the clubhouse and is lo c a ted s ix t y - f iv e fe e t west o f the b u ild in g . LAS VEGAS: Bert W illiam son on Sept. 22nd made inspec­tio n o f a l l f i r e fig h tin g equipment at Las Vegas, the equipment being found in good con dition w ith the fo llo w in g exception s: There is a leak in the o i l lin e about f i f t y fe e t from the east end of lead in g dock ic e p la n t, p len ty o f o i l on the surface crea tin g a f i r e hazard. Dry weeds at northwest corner o f stock yards is another f i r e hazard. Car UP 55860 on spur track a t west end o f tra n s fe r ta b le about covered up w ith dry weeds. Leaves, paper and weeds a t west end o f tra n s fe r p it a t storehouse platform . Dry grass and weeds west o f storehouse and in side o f shop fence is another hazard. Water b a rre l north o f west end o f tra n sfer ta b le p it about h a lf f u l l o f w ater. No axe at hose house No. 4. I Mr, William son was informed by Mr, G.'R. Cottm ire, Local Fire C h ief, that the water lin e s were o ld and not s a fe ; th at each time the I f i r e pump was sta rted a l o t o f water lin e had to be rep aired . Also said i t was not safe to run the pressure higher than s ix ty pound, th at normal pressure was about fo r ty pounds. There are only three s h u t-o ff va lves to the water system in sid e the shop yards. Mr. William son was a lso informed that engineer on duty clo ses these v a lv e s fo r advantage ofwater pressure at lo c a tio n lo f f i r e . A. G. HEDGES