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    oo; Hr, g® I, Bennett i i | ip H, Cory Referring to Morte Order Mo. 70? authorising construction of f#'«t of 8* cast iron water m i n to serve Desert Park Mo* 2, Lae Vegas, Bevade. Herewith, duplicate originals of Agreement ^ “L.D, Mo, 2632, dated Dec enter 6, 1952, with Mr, J, Hoore, Jr,, covering the installation of water mains to serve Hock 4, Desert Park Ho, 2, Lee Vegas, Bev&da, The agreement baa been executed by Mr, Moore and I recommend similar action on behalf of the Water Company, Mr. Cary advises the document may be executed toy you. I set also enclosing original of Bill of Sale, •li*L,D, Ho, 2632-1, dated December 6, 1952 which has been executed by Kr, Moure, conveying title to the water mains to the •?'atnr Comp&ny. Also enclosed is original of easement, dated October 18, 1952 from Kr, and Mrs. Moor®, granting right of way for the above auctioned water main. The ess assent was recorded ©a document 393002, October 20, 19$2 in look 68, Page ?2 , of Deeds Clark County, Mevada Records. An extra copy of the e m m m % is attached for your file. Lae fife# - December 12, If Si f 2> 1*66 Mr, tom. Reinhardt - Los Angeles W* II® Johnson