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    \ Sheet ^Oi gg, ^ork Order 936. completed In April 1911 l “l / 2 w W*^. pipe lin e with fittin g s complete lir. 3 . L« Adamson, Labor JSatl T o ta l in p la ce, taking o f f water service lines at power house and extending northerly (approx) 182 f t . , then w e s t e r l y (approx) 307 f t . , then extending southerly (approx) 246 f t . , and northerly (approx) 590 f t ; also lines to storehouse part (appxox) 161 f t . , lin e to storehouse (approx) 100 f t . , lin e to oxygen ce lla r (approx) 51 f t . , lin e to within 143 f t . , o f flu e ra ttler (approx) 155 f t . , lin e to fir e hydrant at board fence (approx) 118 f t . , and lin e to 9 f i r e hydrants (approx) 5 f t . each The 1914 tracing does not show size o f pipe lines serving store; therefore, tota l length o f lines shown on present map are taken as the length o f lines capitalized Work Order 1884. completed February 19. 1918 Lay water lin e to flue ra ttler 3/4* water lin e with fitt in g s , Total ledger value Round House, Store House and Shop Water Lines: (exterior lines only) Miscellaneous Water Lines ) Pipe lin e serving section layout .Original Construction - Caliante West, 1903 to 1906 Pipe lin e extending from 30,000 gallon stock yard water tank to valve box opposite main lin e station 6526*66.5 is represented in capital account as follows* 4* ®lack Pipe lin e and fittin g s Lin. Ft. 1955 $543.49 (20) completed in p la ce, L in .ft. 143 $10*42 #8.29 $ 18.71 (20) couplete in place l i n . f t . 720 #132.56 $222.06 $ 354.62 (16) Pipe lin e from valve box referred to above and seotion layout_____________ 1" 8 .1 . water pipe lin e couplets in p la ce, (estimated ledger value) l i n . f t . 698 $ 152.16 (17) Total ledger value o f pipe lin e serving section layouts