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I agree./ B C C -M r, E , E . B e n n e tt M r. L , B . M aag — L ^ s V e g as S1I3 rj® %7* t m l*e tm®9 Valley later District p o. Bos no? ?I*i M i l l I m m I I Attention* Hr, t e s A, Ceapbell. I n t U m ! ©entlosaen* Kef erring to year letter of August 3rd* M a c attention to the provision la Section 5 of the agreecent dated June X* 1953. between the Ballreads, the Hater Company and tee later District* white provision require* the suhsdaeien of plane and epeeifloatien* fer tee relecetion of certain facilities on property retained by tea railroad! iitein thirty days after the **ale date** - ted are hereby granted ea extension of testy day* from iageet 1* X95& fa* the tetedeteea ef ente plane e»d specification!, feted w y truly. m im mmm a salt um baiiboad compaht ^ Qigned) WM. R E IN H A K a teaeger^oil' INnrelepctet wntsm v amstsm ussm m w s cokpaii am w m compait ' - (SfeM? whi. R E iN im m f^ BCC-Mr. A* S. Sto ddard-Qmah* 1 vise Pretested I hare executed the shove letter ae it was a natter of small consequence and Mr. Bennett advised teat in his opinion I am properly authorised. m j