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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    3 Mr. R. M, Sutton: Los Angeles, Dec. 11, 1947 20-334-1 / - 77>/ oc: Mr. F. Strong 5 Mr. A. M. Folgcr'^g^ Under work order 3739 we retired our stock yards at Las Vegas and re—constructed 3 pen stock yard In new location, this old stock yards was supplied water thru 6 * Sparling meter #2592 and meter readings included in our monthlj_nteiLeatnt_to_you of meter readings at ^as Tep?¥pBev. Water supplied Home Mutual Water Co, meter #4697001 Is sub-metered off this 6 8 stock yard line. Since the stock yards have been retired the Mech. Dept, forces have been washing cars using water from the old 6 * stock yard line. You will note that our meter reading statement for the month of Nov­ember Indicates that the stock yard meter was out of order and we estimated the total amount of water con­sumed thru this line 1,261,800 gals. We are arranging to get this meter repaired as soon as possible, so that our meter reading statement will reflect the correct consumption of water. We have not yet installed a meter on the 2 * water line which was Installed to serve the new 3 pen stook yard and this meter has been ordered and will be installed as soon as possible. x C: B W . DEC h nr 1 2 1947