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I agree.its. There were recently shout twenty rust holes, since repaired, in this section of the pipe, varying from 1/8 to 1/3 of an inch in diameter. There were also some small leaks in the 7" branch pipe line leading from the 18” main to the Armour Company's Ice Plant, which have been stepped. The total leakage from the holes in the entire pipe system, Mr. Jessup estimated, did not exceed 3000 gallons in a day which is a trifling loss eomparod with the total water delivered back into Las Vegas Creek south of the railway, and it is not improbable that some of the leaking water finds its way back into the creek by flowing over the flat bed rock lying four ©r five feet below the ground which slopes towards the creek. As the portion of the 18" main crossing the station grounds from the tank and the 7" pipe leading to the ice plant cause muoh trouble from leaks which soften the track, to prevent which has not been practicable, and as the expense of stopping the leeks is constant end considerable, I believe both lines should be renewed and recommend that such be done with wooden stave pipes« For this 1300 feet of 18" and 600 feet of 8" wooden pipe with valves and fittings will be required. It is estimated this will cost #2888.60 for material and #668,50 for labor, or a total of #8664.10. Tours truly, , Chief Engineer. co to W, I, Bancroft, 1st Vice-President. \