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June 1, 1953 Safeway Stores, Inc. Box 3399 terminal Annex Los Angeles 5^* California Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your letter of May 12, 1953 with reference to our billing for water service to your Store #280 located at 1300 East Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada, together with your cheok in the amount of $58.&5 in payment of water bill for above mentioned store. Our billing of May 6, 1953 in the amount of $58.^5 covered water service only, and Is exclusive of refrigeration cooling water furnished Store #280 for the months of October, 1952 through April, 1953* For your information, with reference to moneys paid by your company for water used in connection with refrigeration machines at both Store #280, located at 1300 East Charleston Boulevard, and Store #281, located at 122 South 2nd Street, Las Vegas, Nevada, a public hearing was held before the Nevada public Service Commission on April 27, 1953 regarding refrigeration charges and, pending the Commission’s decision in this case, the moneys paid by your company for refrigeration Water are being carried on our books in a separate ‘’refrigeration account.** After the Commission’s decision in the above mentioned case has been received, disposition of amounts held in this account will be made. Upon investigation, I find that water service charges (exclusive of refrigeration cooling water charge) for your Store #281 for period of October, 1952 through May, 1953