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    Fall owing Authority for Eapanditur# Rstusots, appxoxad by tbo Prssidsnt, m m oubuittsd fox ratification and afpsoval by th* SoaxdS Voxk Oxdsr «©. U3b, issuod Sspisnbsx 31, 1W4, W i Angola*, « t f , | oonotxuet additions «»bxiok vkcihoitf#) ojMft >l>i4 and9 danrd i v»saskaoy , nlotiotxoanttlosda **t i4n6 3© asti-osrttakxy Miaaiun Hoad, andsr loans to 111 bur-Slll* Company. tet.,1 i ^ b i U u n $3,833, of wiUob #§10 obnrgoabl* Capital Aaooent, $3,01* Opsratlog Enpsasss. Calif.l)a rkI nOsxtadlslr aBso.* £a3d9d,i tiioansaulo ds ^Oucitposbsenrt 8,a n1d9 3r4e,p aiRri vsordel do, old ©quipnont io eitxu* iaotiB| k$oii at Second and Vino mBbtimo oto. Renewal of loon* by Mspsraoat and loll fox fiir«*y©ar tsxa ftoa Dsesabsr 1, 1834, based on th**s laptovsssnts* total expenditure $3,900, of which $410 chargeable Capital Account, $3,080 Opomt-i* rg Saponsos* Calif W• o| wki nOsrtdaelrl Bioa.p v8o4v0e,d tiysps*u eed itRxousosa bferru it1, sn18o3b4 l,a g,R ivderrysiindge ,sad ppollaicsihnign*g* s 1qsutiipnags notb osiisttbs ienqcuiidpesnetaalt cfeo npveoykoirnsg M &<* *a*c•t oarts ,S evrse~n th abnadrs Vatagcr eSetdr eteot sp,a y unidnscxx eIaoenssd# retnot atle sarti o@anp Fpr*uxi atn Onorcaw sorns ,t otwahl© oo»t Of ispxoveasnt*, snount $7,100, of which $333 cburgsabl* Capital Account, 18,737 Oporating Eapcneee, $140 to MOB, thereupon, on sot ion inly seconded, it nan RESOLVED, That tbs notion of tbo President in authorising expenditures as covered by aforementioned Authority fox Expenditure Request* bs, and tbs seas is fesxsby, ratified, approved and confix*# 4* On notion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, ffeat tbs aotlob of Vice-President Enioksrbooks X la sas out lag lo»*o agxsaaont, datod Beveabex 1, 1834, M favor of Ontario foxtilissx forks x®0 ,, fox tons of b yoaxs ft«* Bevsaber 1, 1834, of fxaao warehouse buUdiag looatsd oast of San intonio Avenue on Stats Street, Ontaxio, Calif exnia, at xoatal of #10*00 pox ncnth, payablo in advance, lessee to psy additional rental at # on any alterations, tfn|uir*****ato ox additions, bs, and tbs saas is bsxoby xatifiod, approved and oosfixaod* On notion duly seconded, it was resolved, that tbo aetiea of Vioo*Preeldent Enicberbceker in oseottting lsass ngreeaent, datod Oetobsx 33, 1834, sitb loots x* t*at% ©rower#, lao., to sowsi- occupancy of garage building in *eor of pxoniooo feasts a# SI$6 East Seventh Strost, Loo Angslss, 0*1 iforaia, fox tern cemnclnt Movenbex 1, 1834 and extending to danaary 1, 1838, fox stox-ags of reooxd* and nisoollnnoonn artiolos, at ninthly rental of Vito ($6.00) Dollaxs, bo, & M tbo oaas is bsxsby, xatifiod, approved and eenf ix*o&* ~a*