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upr000269 211


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    F o rm 2191 B SYM BOL X C L A S S O F S E R V IC E R E Q U IR E D P x Preferred Immediate delivery Dx Day Delivery during day N x Night Delivery by next m orning C . S . , a 27 3oo,coo-u TEMEGRAM Tim e Filed. Indicate by X in proper line the cla ss of service required. Do not, specify preferred service if other service will answer the purpose. (#3 - FS & GCF) compute from number of days each w ell was in service in 1942, and (3) Consumption by UPRR including gallons passing thru water softener, and I am asking Mr, Fish to send me information on both these items as early jas possible. W ill you kindly advise him i f gallonage passing thru softener was omitted from your report. Mir, Fish kindly advise when information w ill be available so I can advise Auditor when to expect our report. B-13 I R B 4PM mam