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    U l Yogas - Doosmbor 13, 1945 1 33-4-aO Ur. E. I. Esnnott; Referring to your 36-47, to Hr, UaUnmee concerning Form l oeft tReer lDienoqeumibsherme 7ntth ,t oV bilee Ionxo Lonadtedd' sb yAd Udri.t ioDns.lkln In aonneotlon with the serving of wator Folsom owner of aparUtrsme. ntlso naet F r3a0n8k lainnd, 31r4ep rSoeustehn t1i4ntgh U rSat.r eeMta,r gaprheotn ­ed this morning requesting water servloe to this location which Rlnay aeatn ,p raelssenot c sonetravcetde bdy u sDs lakdlvni.s inDga tIhkaitn 'Mar sA.t toFronlesyo,m wUra.s WIinldleibatmed wtho ihchi sw aclsi feunrtn Iins htehde taom otuhnits opfro fpleSrot.yO bOu tc ohveer ibangd wnaette srh uste rvthleo e wnaatteurr aolf cfa buuste st ahse wtahtee rr ehdawdo oeda alsiande htaod fdleotwe riinotro attheed htoou esueo ht haronu gehx­tteon Dts tlhkaltn tIto wexopuelcdt n oh ilmo tngoe rre opaarirry twhaet leirn aen dw htehna tb ei wta wsa rse ncoetiv ifnagi r no payaant for water furnished. boon serving water IWne tehxep lsaiunbe-dd ltvois Biuoyna haen waass lOobnlgi gasat Desdl ktlon f huard­Yniogsahs sLeernvdl oAe aWsat aer pCuobmlipca nuyt itloi ttya)k et hoavte rD solpekrlant hiaodn aosfk ethde t hsyes tLeame btuhte ttheantan ttsh eI anr rtahneg eampeanrtt mheandt sn aotr e yepsr aDeotoiro, aelolnya wumiattheodu.t wMaetaern.w hiVloe, mtahienr ewfhoriec,h oIfsf beertewde teno Ofgudronni sahn dth Ferme mao cnotn unepcotni orne gautl aoru pra nyemaernets to f athoantn ehoet lboand f neoe opbrioevoitdledo nDss ltko lnth weo uLaled Vsioggana a L asanldv &or Waintdeirc aCtoimnpga ny cfouurrnsies,h ihnag vwea tteor f turon ithsihs h elorc aotwino ns.e rvTlhoee mpraoipne frrtoym o owunre rl wiinlel ,t oof Doesaber 7th Z confeOrorneode rwniltnhg Slatsatt ep Eanrgaignreaeprh Houf gyho 8urh amlbeutrtgeerr and dAirctaetseiadn tVhaei Slt aStusp erEvngisinoree Br uwroyul Jda smeeaslo nt Dhoeo Deselbkarl nl woetlhl a wnidt htohuety In­acpopseta rtso teiot hbeor t hDss lkprlonp oerr Lsaosl uYtaigoan st ola tnhde ft pVraotblarem Colmnpaasnmyu.o h Tahai s Dtsulrknlend woivlelr boapresr antoi ofnusr tthoe rL'a sI nYtaergaesst L Iannd t fhte V weetelrl aCfomtpearn yh)o ahnads iotury lsntatondrapoatin Itn Ihnaavsimnugc ht baso wietl wli slela nloedt bloa aosornonoloyt fordo mt oa o cuorm mmauinn­s. There fore will It bo agreeable when Mr. Uotiamse re-writes tbo Fora of Rsllnguishment If bo uses the words "at no cost to us for signature of Ur. and Mrs, Dslkln, MMrr.. FL.ra nA.k MSotlroaanges VALTER R. BRACKED