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    2. Previous investigations.- The artesian water basin in the vicinity of Las Vegas has been the subject of several reports in recent years. In 1912, a study of the ground water in southeastern Nevada, including the V Las Vegas basin, was made by Everett Carpenter, and additional observa- J Carpenter, Everett, Ground water in Southeastern Nevada: Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 365, 1915. tions on wells in the basin were made in 1913 by 0. E. Meinzer. J A _J op. cit., pp. 42, 43. report J by the U. S. Department of Agriculture on the character of the J Carpenter, E. J., and Youngs, F. 0., Soil Survey of Las Vegas area, Nevada: U. S. Dept, of Agri., Bureau of Soils, pp. 243 and 244, 1926. soil in the Las Vegas area contains a paragraph contributed by Hardman pertaining to the artesian basin. Hardman and others have been carrying on investigations in the Las Vegas area since about 1921 and have written several reports. / Reference is also made to the Las Vegas artesian J Bixby, F. L., and Hardman, George, The Development of Water Supplies v7 for Irrigation in Nevada by Pumping from Underground Sources: The Univ. of NeVada Agri. Exper. Station, Bull. 112, 1928. Hardman, George, and Miller, Meredith R., The Quality of the Waters Of t Southeastern Nevada, Drainage basins and Water Resources: The Univ. ofv' Nevada Agri. Exper. Station, Bull. 136. 1934. (see p. 2a)