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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    O FFlCfc OF EXECUTIVE! ASSISTAfT OmaM, May 25, 1942 MAy 28 1942 199 LOS AKGJ&uSS, CALI Mr. W. H. Bracken: Your two letters May 20th concerning undercharges for water furnished: Strong, Hulslzer and Wlppreoht copies of your letters, I am doing so because I want them to be Just as fully informed as 1 am myself. the application of water rates be left in the hands of the local office, that office must apply them aeeurately and must not make discriminatory allowances from schedules* This I deem important. As far as ths vacancy allowances which you have been making are concerned, where accommodations are furnished to transients at higher rental than could be obtained by regulars, I see no difference between this type of service and that fur­nished to hotels which are almost wholly for transients: in fact, where the turnover is large there would naturally be a larger quantity of water used while the accommodations were being used than would be the case if regularly used by the same parties. I do not therefore see how you oould Justify allowances in the case of motels, auto courts, etc., without doing the same for hotels or other similar users. any deviation from the regular scheduled charges, keeping In mind the admonition that any such must not produce any discrimination or inequalities as between users other than as contemplated by the rate sohedulee. by Mr. Bennett, that eome regulation should govern the putting down of wells and that permits therefor should be declined wherever the applicant is already served or where the service can be pro­vided from existing sources of supply. I note from your letter that the copulation has increased from 8500 to 23,000, or an lnorease of 160$Tt with an Increase of but about 15$ in the revenues. There must be something wrong with this, and I am asking Mr. Wlpprecht to make a further study of ths situation, for we certainly cannot continue to supply increasing numbers of users without obtaining a greater propor­tionate increase in the revenues. Since you apparently did not give Messrs* Suild, While l am perfectly willing, and in fact intend, that I will expect Mr. Wippreeht and Mr. Strong to approve I should think, and would be glad to have this checked oo-l______ W..HH..HGuulilsdi,s erF,r anRk. WlSptprronego,ht, S.E.Bennett.