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    APPEN D IX A R iver C om m ission , H enderson, N evada. THE STA TE OF I^EVADA and its C olora d o R iv er C om rn ission do further COVENANT AND AGREE that during the te rm of this a g r e e ­m ent, said State and C om m ission w ill obtain fo r and s e ll to the W ater D is tr ict at the b est available ra tes the e le c t r ic en erg y re q u ire d fo r the w ork of pumping and d eliverin g water fo r and on beh alf of the W ater D is ­tr ic t pursuant to the foreg oin g agreem en t, and the e le c t r ic en ergy, if any, req u ired in the event that the Water D is tr ict shall be re q u ire d to operate and m aintain said W ater F a c ilitie s as p rov id ed in P a ra g ra p h (1) above of this "A p p rov a l, C onsent and A g r e e m e n t." IN WITNESS W HEREOF, G en eral S e rv ic e s A dm in istration and the State of N evada have caused this A p p roval, C onsent and A greem en t to be execu ted on the 23rd day of May, 1952. GENERAL SERVICES ADM INISTRATION A T T E S T : B y (Signed) J. V . M ueller Its (Signed) R obt. J. M oore ST A T E OF N EVADA, acting b y and through its C olora d o R iv er C om m ission B y (Signed) C h a rles H. R u sse ll_______ C hairm an A T T E S T : (Signed) D orean H. R eive A ssista n t S e cre ta ry A T T E S T : (Signed) D orean H. R eive A ssista n t S e cre ta ry COLORADO R IV ER COMMISSION OF NEVADA B y (Signed) C h arles H. R u sse ll Chairm an A - 2 0