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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - May 21, 195^ Mr, Be W, Seckendorff MoKell Construction Company P.0, Box 2225 Huntriage Station Les Vegas, Nevada Bear Sirs At the request of Mr, Frank Strong, I have pre­pared and am submitting herewith a rough approximate estimate of oost to construct water mains as Indicated below; 1, 1300 LF of 8W oast iron water main extending Southerly in the future Orangewood Drive, a distance of approximately 1300 LF to a point which la assumed to be In the future extension of Oakey Blvd., Including two fire hydrant connections but excluding fire hydrants.,.tjgg880.00, 2, 2100 LF of 6H oast Iron water mains consisting of three separate lines of pipe each 700 feet long which may be connected to pipe line In­cluded in Item 2 at a future date and which may extend Easterly a dis­tance of 700 feet, each Including three fire hydrant connections, but excluding fire hydrants...$7*2/0,00, A rough approximate cost for the fire hydrants is approximately $200.00 each which Includes the cost of the fire hydrant itself, which must be purchased from the Fire Department, and labor to Install same. If it is planned to make an application to the Water Company for construction of above water mains I am sending you herewith for your Information one copy of our ^Typical Form of Agreement which is prepared on the basis