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    ;Airmail: Los Angeles - July 16, 1945 7334 Mr. B. H. Prater? Referring to your telephone request for data for use In submitting WPB request for expenditures for water facilities at Las Vegas, and reason to be used in request for amortization. utility supplying water to the City of Las Vegas, Hevada, a city of something over 25,000 population. The Los Angeles A Salt Lake Railroad Company owns water bearing lands, wells and springs from which water is produced and delivered by the Railroad to the distribution mains of the utility. continued production of magnesium, the plant has been diverted by DPC to other wartime activities which have developed a larger payroll than that engaged in magnesium production. A portion of the plant is used by Stauffer Chemical Co. for production of chlorine; another portion by the Rheem Xfg. Co. for the manufacture of rocket shells; another portion by Western Electro-Chemical Co. for the production of potassium chlorate (used in the manufacture of jet-propelled rockets); and another portion is used by the Cornwall Warehouse Co. for the storage of Army materials. Magnesium there was a total payroll of 1,034. As of July 1, 1945, the payrolls of the various users showed total employ­ment of , an inorease during the five months of with prospect of further wartime increase. Other employ­ment at Las Vegas has been maintained or increased during, this period. While home construction to house these employes has steadily progressed and is continuing, there is today an acute housing shortage. Las Vegas is a desert community with summer temperatures frequently reaching 116° Farenhelt, this extreme temperature creating an abnormal demand for water. the southerly and eastern portions of the city, whereas the Railroad water mains from the existing reserwir feed the distribution system at the center and northerly portions of the city. The Railroad has developed sufficient water for I submit the following, which X think may be adapted to both purposes: The Las Vegas Land and Water Company is a public While the DPO-owned Basic Magnesium plant has dls- As of February 1, 1945, under operation by Basic The major portion of housing development is in ( 1 )