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    1. Payment at this time by Company to Contractor of the sum of $12,675.34, being 89% of said actual cost; 2. That if Contractor within two years from date of said supplemental agreement completes the construc­tion of the eleven dwelling houses that are not now completed in said Traet No. 3, and will notify Company in writing when it has completed said construction, Company will, within thirty days of receipt of said notice, pay to Contractor balance of cost of said labor and material, or the sum of $1,566.61; 3. In case Contractor shall fail to complete con­struction of said eleven dwelling houses within the time specified, Company shall not be required to re­fund to Contractor said sum of 41,566.61, or any part thereof; be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. On motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the action of Vice President Ashby and Assistant Secretary Rigdon in executing agreement, C.A. 10255, dated October 1, 1943, between Las Vegas Land and Water Company, called ’’Seller" and Keystone Tool and Supply Co., called "Purchaser", granting option expiring November 30, 1943, to purchase a parcel of land, including existing improvements and spur track thereon, situated in Vernon, California, being a portion of Lot 19 in 500-Acre Tract of Los Angeles Pruitland Association; subject to lease of said premises to The Petrol Corporation for term expiring Oct. 1, 1944; consideration 4750,00; purchase price of said parcel, $50,000.00, upon -7-