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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF NEVADA In the Matter of Hates Filed by ) Lsjb Vegas Land and Water Company ) I & S Docket lh2 for Water Service ) At a general session of the Public Service Commission of Nevada, held at Its offices In Carson City, Nevada, January 26, 195% PRESENTS Chairman Robert A* Allen Commissioner Hugh a* Dhanbsrger Secretary Lee 3. Scott FURTHER SUSPENSION ORDER ill .notice of HSAaHjfr__ IT APPEARING That under date of December 1, 1952 this Commission Issued its suspension order in the above-entitled matter suspending for a period of sixty (60) days from and after December 1, 1952 First Revised Sheet P.S.G.N. No. 3 and Original Sheet P.S.0. No. 3AJ and If FURTHER APPEARING That the Commission lias been un­able to complete its investigation and conduct a hearing within the 6o days* suspension period, IT IS ORDERED That the above-referred to First Revised Sheet P.S.C.H. No. 3, cancelling Original Sheet P.S.O.N. Ho. 3, and original Sheet P.S.O.N. Mo* 3A be, and the same are hereby, further suspended for an additional period of sixty (6o) days from and after January 29* 1953 and during said period of suspen­sion no change shall be made in the existing rates for water ser­vice now on file with the Public Service Commission of Nevada. XT 13 FURTHER ORDERED That a public hearing will be held in the City Hall at Las Vegas, Nevada, beginning at ten o * clock A.M., February 17, 1953 when and where ©very interested party may appear and be heard. $r the Comission, /&/ Las 8. Scott Secretary Dated? Carson City, Nevada January 26, 1953 (SEAh)