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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 2191 -B C . S , , SYMBOL X CLASS OF SERVICE REQUIRED Px Preferred Immediate‘delivery Dx Day Delivery during d.ay Nx Night Delivery by next morning TEL|®f?AM Time Filled.. -M Indicate .by X in proper line the class of service required. Do not specify preferred ser- j vice if other service will answer the purpose. Los A n geles, Hoy* 20th, 22* Mailgram J .P .C a re y : • I have the fo llo w in g telegram from fir. Huntley: / . f ” A u th o rity f o r \2J p ip e lin e Las Vegas conduct water to stand p ip es sJ> s ta tio n dated Bov. 6th. What is height water in 7<m 000 g a llo n w ater tank at round­house above tra c k opposite s t a tio n . Should we not consider a d d itio n a l isto ra g e tank at sta tio n to serve stand p ip es folNtoq$>motive se rv ic e in order to reduce time I t w i l l take Mlo water engines from Main L in e. Would a d d itio n a l water tank: 150,000 g a llo n cap acity to which w ater could be d e liv e re d in 8 or 10” lin e permit quicker se rv ic e to locom otives and not cost but _ l i t t l e more than. 2000® o f 12” pipe lin e . Answer.A-691. ^Wlsh you would in v e s tig a te promptly and g iv e me in fo r ­mation in re p ly . I understand our p lan o f con stru cting p lan t near s ta tio n was changed upon recommendation o f D r. B a rr. A—163. AH* A A® Maguire jfv ' Y SBil