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    Fublie Service Commission m j 3S, 1950 Fag® fc. creating or bringing than into existence. Such a casEilBBian possesses no otter power than that conferred upon it by tbe lav of its creation, and under that lav It tea at tte utmost only tte power that la conferred in express terms or % necessary or fair Implication. Blehland Gas Co. v. tele, 125 So. 13G. A public Service commission Is an administrative agency created by statute ate has no inherent powers. It Is net the function of such commission to aid la tte creation of new public u tilities, but simply to supervise ate regulate those white are In existence ate came steer its authorised Jurisdiction. State v. Department of Fublie Service, 150 Fae. 2d 709* Shore being a© prevision 18 either tte X$k7 °r 19^9 Las Tegas Water District Acts empowering tte Commission to exercise hay Jurisdiction over the sale of tee Las Vegas Late ate Water Company to tte district, It is necessary to advert to tte public utility act of this State creating and fixing the posers ate duties of tte Commission with respect to tte instant question. Bute act being Sections 6lOO~6lM$, inclusive, 9.C.L. 1929, ate as emended frc*a time to time thereafter, ante amendments not being material term. A close examination of that act discloses that nowhere therein has tte legislature clothed tte Commission with express power to supervise or approve tte teles of public utility property by one u tility to another, nor is there any necessary implication that it has such power flowing from tte Act . Bute act doss vest tte Commission with tte power to supervise ate regulate tte charges mads by a public u tility for service performed by it , ate provides ample power ate pro­cedure therefor. Further, it Is to be noted that the proposed sale of tte Lae Vegas Lend ate Water Company facilities constitutes a complete sale thereof for further public u tility service by tte water district, and does not purport to be a tele of surplus water by tte company so as to bring t i p sale within the purview of "An Act authorizing and permitting public utility corporations to purchase water or electric current for public utility uses*, tte same being Sections 6lkj~6lh9, inclusive, g.C.L. 1929, wherein tee approval of the sale of surplus water of electricity is required to be approved by tte Commission. Entertaining tte views hereinabove set forth, we are of tte opinion ate so hold that the statutory law of this state provides no