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    12000A BULLETIN SEPTEMBER, 1943 Fire Pump Control Supersedes issue August, 1939 12410 Bulletin Discount Schedule 3CD A-c--Auto-Transformer Type--For Manual Operation H . P. * 3 P H A S E 60 C Y C L E S 2 P H A S E , 4 W I R E 60 C Y C L E S Optional Features 1— For omission of enclosing cabinet, or meters and pilot light, Price deduct per table below: Lbs. Boxed Price Lbs. Boxed H . P. 220 Volts 440-550 Volts 220 Volts 440-550 Volts Meters and Pilot Light 20 $737. $770. 800 $785. $808. 850 Cabinet 220 440-550 30 771. 788. 800 809. 825. 850 Volts Volts 50 898. 793. 1000 939. 832. 1050 20-30 $115. $203. $214. 60 909. 875. 1200 950. 913. 1250 40-60 116. 226. 214. 75 921. 885. 1200 965. 937. 1250 75-100 116. 231. 220. 100 1136. 890. 1300 1179. 948. 1350 125-150 134. 237. 226. 125 1280. 973. 1300 1335. 1029. 1350 150 985. 1400 1045. 1450 2— For omission of pilot light only, deduct. $19.50 Ht3 coil circuit breaker furnished on all 3 phase controllers. 1 9 4 1 9 „ A -c-H igh Tension-Auto-Transformer D isco u n t S c h e d u le 6 3cd I B B B ill Manual Operation H . P. 2200 V O L T S -- 6 0 C Y C L E Lbs. Boxed 3 Phase 2 Phase— 4 Wire 25 $1056. $1144. 800 30 1056. 1144. 800 40 1062. 1150. 800 50 1062. 1150. 800 60 1073. 1150. 800 75 1078. 1166. 850 100 1089. 1177. 850 125 1111. .1199. 900 150 1122. 1210. 900 Optional Features 1— For omission of enclosing cabinet or meter and pilot light, deduct per table below:____________________________________________________ H . P. Enclosing Cabinet Meters and Pilot Light 20-30 $116. $203. 40-60 116. 226. 75-100 116. 231. 125-150 134. 237. 175-200 134. 244. 2— For omission of pilot light only deduct.........................$19.50 3— Double throw circuit breaker in place of single throw— refer to nearest C -H Branch office. A-c - Secondary Resistor T ype-F or 1 4 4 1 9 B u l l e t i n J 1 r K t • Discount Schedule 3cp__________________ Manual Operation * 3 P H A S E 2 P H A S E , 4 W IR E Optional Features H . P. 1— For omission of enclosing cabinet or meters 220 Volts 440-550 Volts Boxed -2 2 0 Volts 440-550 Volts Boxed 25 $1126. $1210. 1150 51403. $1309. 1150 H . P. r Meters and rilo t Light 35 1196. 1272. 1250 1477. 1379. 1250 50 1234. 1292. 1350 1502. 1417. 1450 60 1234. 1292. 1400 1502. 1417. 1500 75 1442. 1339. 1400 1604. 1477. 1500 25 35-60 $116. 116. $203. 226. $214. 214. 100 1532. 1424. 1450 1670. 1562. 1550 75-100 116. 231. 220. 125 1546. 1455. 1500 1703. 1624. 1600 125-150 134. 237. 226. 150 1923. 1531. 1550 2126. 1678. 1750 175-200 134. 244. 231 175 2305. 1622. 1600 2404. 1710. 1800 225-250 145. 249. 237. 200 2696. 1663. 1650 2796. 1808. 1850 225 2891. 1753. 1700 2990. 1834. 1900 2— For omission of pilot light only, deduct. $19.50 250 3051. 2160. 1800 3217. 2106. 1950 sfc3 coil circuit breaker furnished on all 3 phase controllers. A -c -- Speed Regulating -- Secondary 12416 Bulletin Resistor Type-For Manual Operation D iscou nt S ch e d u le 3CD __________ __________________________________________208 and 220 Volts, 60 Cycle, 3 Phase H . P. 5 S P E E D 9 S P E E D Price Lbs. Boxed Price Lbs. Boxed 100 $1934. 1800 $2291. 2100 125 1956. 1800 2311. 2100 150 2369. 1900 2760. 2200 175 2759. 2000 3148. 2400 200 3214. 2200 3667. 2600 225 3468. 2400 3925. 2800 250 3688. 2500 4161. 3000 300 4438. 2700 Hc3 coil circuit breaker furnished on all 3 phase controllers. All prices F. O. B. Milwaukee PAGE 2 Cutler-Hammer H i PIONEER MANUFACTURERS OF ^ ELECTRIC CONTROL APPARATUS . MILWAUKEE.WIS.. PRINTED IN U .S .A .-