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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    is letter-agreeaent, dated tfetofeer it, wi t h W 11 C®net«ieUon Ceapsny, t# aever the #f- «uaa. naterial and noting necessary alterations In ttaU company*# warehouse loeeted at tldO Sast 7th Street, U># Angelas, C aliforn ia, »mmmt $S&d,Qd# be, and the asast la hereby, ra t ifie d , aporarad and aenflvstad. on notion duly eeaondsd, it wee dSdG&VdXI, that the notion o f tin# President Knieker-hoahor in executing letter-agreement, doted $» 18$d, between. this eenpaay and 7. Q* Trichord, Mvereide, California, to eeeer the furnishing of labor »»d notorial as# eonefroot in basement of paetiiig houee at geaend tig Vina street#, Meer«ide» California, leased ta ^ousraont a wall, font* mew sweat ream#;, using 1 is 4 #€ flooring, W X s dried, together with, aeoeesary pallays,. ropss, ate* t® eoaplete said sweat roe®#, exempt paint­ing and alaatriaal work, eonaideratlorn $£$7,00, be, and- the sane la hereby, ratified, approved and aonflawed. Qa notion duly seconded, I t was h&sJOUflS), that the sett on of Via# President iChiefeee- ****** in executing ietter-agreeaent, dated hgtember S, l&gg, with Griffith Company, to eower the furnishing of neeeessry labor, equipment and material to exeavate eater line treneh ead reap## extra yardage along treed site of new warehmxee being eosebruoted for this aaapaay in eielnlty of 50th end goto streets, Verms**» California, total payment far which wort, in amount f^db.OC, to be made topes eosplettea and aeeaptsnae by this eampeny# be, and t&e sane i« hereby, ratified, approved m l