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I agree.Las Vegas, May 3, 1940. W 33-3-3 Mr. Frank Strong, Vice-President, LVL&WCo., Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Sir: I think I expla i n e d to y o u over the phone concerning m y desire to have the f l o w from Well No-4 taken directly into an intake b o x at the settling hasin, rather than to b r i n g its p r o d u c t i o n around the knoll where W e l l No-3 is located a n d connect w i t h No-3's t r a n s mission main. However, it occurred to m e w h i l e u p there this morning, a n d also c o n s i dering the fact that we are now ready to take down the forms for intaxe b o x from Well No-3, that it w o u l d be v e r y advantageous to have a n o t h e r intake b o x installed alongside the settling ba s i n for the flow from W e l l No-4. This w o u l d require about 500 feet more of pipe, but in case of trouble at any time with W e l l No-4 or W e l l No-3, we w o u l d not be requ i r e d to shut off the flow from both w e l l s at the same time. W i l l you kindly let me have your advice concerning this matter so that the intake b o x and material, all of w h i c h is at the settling basin, can be handled b e f o r e tearing d o w n or removing. Yours truly, V i c e - P r e s i d e n t . W. H* J. MAY 3 1840