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    a •X8~ fttmoto, H itiw M * , California, vmftav X#a«© to Virginia Zr q .i oun«l<J«t*att?m |HS8«60» bo, aal th* aaato 1# horofcy, pati-fio «i, ipprowod k m I oonfimNI* following Authority for J&qsonAitoro Eotpoata, appiimrM tft* ypBtlftM p «or» submittod fop mtiflostlon* t# 0* Mo* i««u«d Dooonbor 8ft, rotir* <mt wggon o<$oif*p»8. with ctXi§XI §t|a& fLca sgn iT.o gtaooo*l ©art, no Xongor roquirod; w&lua of ppoparty tlrod ©radit&bl© to lnroi»t»©ni In M&& and to Msm m rotim& Jtrapmrty InvostsMmt* - #27? .GO* H« 0* t*o« f70, istood DoaonOor M§ 198$| EXworsido. fis illm ifti mqutvm 378® atpar© foot of land at Proapoot and ^anroa© Avonwaa, ropulrad to provido aroa for on-lapgoao& t of psoting hmm now tm&or X*»a# to tiutaal OrwlfcSO S&atrilnitOPoI total axjHfcftditura §22S*<30, ©Largo-afcl © Capital Aoootant* 0* Mo* ifX# laauod Loooafeor ®X* X&35; Lot Angaloo, California; rottro Lot 78, Union Pacific Tr&ot, sold to v«*0 Milling coapany Coal# anthorisod tog L&a»Ulli S&oowtXvo coamlttoo, ixitoowp 22, 1936) § Lodger wain# of proporty to to® rotirod ©roditabl© to rroporty Inwootsionts f% M i*§@f aalo prlo* 16,310*00; difforonoo orodltabl© to Profit oik Mroporty XnvostMOntn t&,08d*00» i* 0« Mo* S£?2, isatiod Pootabor 61, Xfi$f Loo Angola©, California; ro ttro far*al Mo* 5, Union r&olfi© IsAwatrlal Tract Mo. 4 In lo t X, front 7777, property ©old I t Moot* Xaotrl© Caofinga, In©* {autiu>rl*oo by lAOlMI Kxooutlwo Goaalttoo, Ju ly i t , 1027) • Ladgor 7ali*a of proparty to tom ratirad ©r editable to J’roporty Iiwootaanto t%XfSMI§* Latloatad ©oat of raaoaal of proparty rotirad and not to to® raplaaad 167.00* into prion of loud &6,966*00. S&ffOP* ©no© ©raditabla to rro flt on yrop«riy XnwootMRto 14,710*00. Lon A4R*gfoX*oEe*, MoC.a lXif o(rWn*i0a*; MOt*o a27o3a)a,r pXaworoaohfats Joo noofa froyu 7r, bo1w03a$a; ©ohfa noogrot atJoUoi iAro ro»o«uindt#inneg# Oao«p arrt«o«ounltt oosoanpalooXyiaOa atriaoqnw lorfad ftoor ooo ln oonnootlon mor^tr of g^onoral aoootmtlnf «eiIt inei4«at t# too Xoaoint Arrangomonta oowarod by ICG Finanoo iotApit Miion*d «Pr4«2t2».,n 4iinn ga otnomotrmdmamn oUon piroonw ll odeoinfoi o so§og*» %#m U lm&ommmm «^nm& otlfi o MiaamntOlXMo&rios,o oSda ooifr ooa and satnadt iEont o^sXna^Mypo aC,lo rdfaeto,o d Prtoai.^gitiet^ton, D.S«» Juno M, IS30. Satina tod ooal or, adaitional pror-orty on#rg*aM« to Froporty XnrootiaMnt, tX7o0O0«OO*