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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    •2- 5* I», A. white Peb. 16, jj|p H o i u r M .^ f , o ? I t SL J*00 gRfaegll£oiMnis$g. .&,A @vBaE$ilable water not used in 01 tar la used fo r Irrig a tion purposes at the Las Vegas E&noh. 6, Cft.ll so ting canals and supply malna: Hone 7. Tranaalaalon MalsalI re*s,t iU .9 & £ Cast Wrot Tran- Cast wrot Tran- Iron Iron llfcSL iS S S l Iron Iron M M iS fiS l 10* 12* 1368* 2667* 37* 9b5* 1368* lb* 2667* 37* 9b5* 11566* 232* 232* 16* 11566* ?. V 18* 858* 858* 20* itplfljll . . 2973* 2973* 2b* 21296* 125b* 926* 21296* 125b* 926* ®* £AftftSAfrtt.Utt*i fe ln i * ilM * WX> CZ) A&J&g. .Flgflt, lilt Jto Qae at End of Year 995t 52,750* U ? i » M S I* 61,366* 5,113* 13.263* zih'Mo* 995* 52,750* 129,861* ^ I So, S', H M 30* 6b,?99* 5,113* ^ Jjfg r L r £ * u « - VvO-5" Hotel The above fig u res were arrived at by using as baas the Inform ation shorn under Item 6 o f our 19b? report to the Cou-m ieaion, and adding (o r subtracting) Important changes during the year, which were as follow s! M M assorln tlon 57b So 5th St Tract* volien slen Tract 592 Woody - ib th S t Add* a 593 Pioneer Heights 59b HFM&H A Valley View 595 North Main 597 S* C. Seara - N oblltt 599 Westwood Park £ i a 360* fg: 2680* 2662822** Tob* 2200* & 752* 10" 12*