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upr000001 89


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ITEM IF ANY CLASS OF MAVERIAL OR LABOR j3 CHARGEABLE TO BOTH R. & E. ANDO, E. ACCOUNTS'Tt SHOULD NOT AMOUNT MATERIAL BE ENTERED AS OWE ITEM BUT JN, TWO SEPARATE ITEMS 34084 145Q I 528 ism 154 1691 168 El 60! ESTIMATE TO ACCOMPANY FORM 30 OR.G. M. O. —da,lnt enanoe ! of^Jfay -; • DE8CR1PTION ,1. * V , _ ' YfilttS Of fl&liSXlSl ___2. salvage value of material r Division No._ Form 17-47—10M-r-6-16—Dl^D _ Sheet No _ 4 6f__ 4 . JsheetI Oototer fcepjfee»te3f§®, 19161 >9 and used again on the new work n on new work U NIT STORE, AMOUNT QUANTITY Unit .v PRiO;E::T;;: EX"^p/ ; LABOR DIVISION OF EXPENSE R, .St E.; . 'T . O. E. 1. I 30,000 0allon v;ood stave tank: and roof 3x1 B KOI : 3H .' Sxl OiJ 1 ! -HOP SH 2x1 2-16 xr Pipe (old | flue si sF line > 111; Ran : X'-slF;-'* >td*tee 1450 BP ?"T io; ,00 528 ” 1 Tf | 101 ,00 384 " 1 ff ; 10, .00 40 ft * Oft ' ?T ppl 85 j 210' If 8* [05 4 0 a.; » ,37 l*airbanlc s-Morse standard tanle.-..fittings. (Spout) Creosoted pile tnitts 1.2 1%. lOng/ IS-, pQB. llr” pipe (old toiler 1' tee ft an* 38439 0r| 7790 48829