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s Mr* R. L* Adamson, Sheet Eo. 3* (1) Water supply lin e from spring and artesian, well Water supply lin e extends from spring and artesian well west o f Las Vegas to a point in Clark Street 230 feet east o f the west side o f Main Street* Ledger value o f the supply lin e including artesian well is as follow s: Work Order #6860. November 30. 1926 Transfer from Account 705 "Miscellaneous Physical Property", ledger value o f 7*41 acres o f pipe lin e right-of-w ay from spring to the Railroad westerly rig h t-of- way line* Pipe lin e under which th is realty lie s has been used since construction in 1905, p rin cip a lly for railroad purposes and the realty i s , therefo r e , properly chargeable to Account 701* LABOR MAT 'L. 50* strip o f right-of-w ay for water pipe lin e across portion o f the S§- o f S§- o f Sec* 28, T.20 3*, R.61 E.» and o f s£ e f Sec* 29, T*20 S ., R.61 2 . , (except L.V.&.T. Right-of-way) acres 2*18 $68*65 Jf§- o f o f Sec* 32, T.20 S ., R*61 S ., acres 1*30 40*94 v k o f K§- o f Seo. 33, T*20 S*, R.61 R*, acres 2.73 85.97 SWj o f HBj o f 3ec. 33, T.20 S ., R.61 2 . , acres 0.48 15*12 SB| o f HBj Of sec* 33, T.20 3 ., R.61 2 . , acres 0.72 22.67 Total ledger value pipe lin e right-of-w ay: TOTAL $233.35 (2) Work Order 3747, completed August 31. 1922 16" Cast Iron pipe lin e including a l l fittin g s complete, from 18" flange valve west o f roundhouse to a point in Clark S treet, 230' east o f the west side o f Main S treet, (labor and material) $5,197.95 (18) Please note that the ledger value o f pipe lin e does not agree with the Auditor's books. At the time the I . C. C. Examiners were checking up in 1923-1924 they drew attention to the fact that 230* o f 18" wood stage pipe lin e in the Las Vegas yard was erroneously retired under Work Order 3747 at a ledger value o f $529.00* They maintained that as a l l the 18* wood stave pipe lin e running through the jpg Vegas yard was in stalled under Operating Expense i t should not have been retired from the Investment Account. I have looked into this matter and find that the contention o f the Examiners was correct* I have therefore disregarded the retirement o f this 230' o f 18* wood stave pipe lin e in compiling the above ledger value.