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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    AND MARCH - 1950 LWahis tnVeeyg,a s,N eNw6v .' Tucson, AriZ. Phoenix, Arlz. Los Angeles, Cal. Barstow, Cal. APRIL - 1950 Las Vegas, N e w Whitney, Nev. Tucson, Arlz. Phoenix, Arlz. Los Angeles, Cal. Barstow, .Cal. MAY - 1950 Las Vegas. Nev. WThuictsnoeny, , ArNlezv.. Phoenix, Arlz, Los Angeles, Cal„ Barstow, Cal. JUNE - 1950 Las Vegas, Nev. Whitney, Nev. Tucson, Arlz,. Phoenix,. Arlz. Los Angeles, Cal. Barstow, ? Cal. JULY - 1950 Las Vegas, Nev. Whitney, Nev., TUcson, Arlz. Phoenix,' Ariz.w' Los Angeles,; Cal.; Barstow, Cal. AUGUST - 1950 Las Vegas, N$y, Whitney, Nev. Tucson, Arlz.; Phoenix, Arlz. Los Angeles, Cal. Barstow, Cal. WHAT THE COST OF WATER CONSUMED WOULD BE IN SEVERAL AREAS BASED ON APPLICABLE WATER RATE SCHEDULES STATEM EN T SHOWING WATER CONSUMED AT S E V E R A L T E S T LO C A TIO N S IN LA S V E G A S , NEVADA? RESIDENCE A RESIDENCE B RESIDENCE C RESIDENCED COMMERCIAL suCmopnt-ion suCmopnt-ion suCmopnt-ion suCmopnt-ion sumCpotni-on G a ls Cost G a ls Cost G a ls Cost G a l s Cost Ga Is Cost 35,037 10,687 16,624 16, 926 772,489 $126..0001 $ 27..0509 $120..0506 $120..0710 $ 23000..0307 55..1107 22..1080 22..8469 22..9531 19039,,6408 56..7885 21..1719 23..7289 32..3835 17240..6538 34,150 2.00 19,428 8.00 31, 910 2,00 25, 064 2,00 957,980 15.79 11.96 15.23 13.52 23406.,7050 55..0040 32..2838 44..7713 33..9710 111258..8863 65..6518 33..8255 56,,0220 44..9150 110450..1466 52, 755 2.00 25,794 2.00 38,148 2. 00 39,941 2.00 1,165, 670 20 44 13.70 16,79 17.24 29380..6007 77..2738 34..8010 55..4638 55..6899 115480.,6738 107..0830 45..2009 75..3855 76..6089 116227,.;3 666 46,629 2.00 32,949 2.00 26,374 2.00 30^522 2,00 1,479,680 18.91 15,49 13,84 14.88 37SO7.. 1070 66,.8580 v44.,o 8865 34..9006 44..5561 117984..4861 78..9800 56.,1460 45..2189 45..8953 116906.,9233 36,076 2.00 26,372 2.00 35,121 2,00 27, 741 2.00 1,534,820 16-27 1384 16,03 14.19 33900,.9060 55..2332 34,,9060 55.,1118 44..2130 210805.,7008 65,.9577 45.,2189 56 .„ 4850 45..4446 216062,.8132 74, 706 2.00 33,124 2.00 34,833 2.00 13,109 2.00 1, 784,120 25.93 15.53 15,96 8.80 43503,.0208 191..8060 44,,8879 55..1048 12.,4070 221247,.9395 1i04..7045 56,.1438 56..4741 22..5199 212983..7478