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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Lea Vegas - February 3 , 193** W 5-ft-2 Mr. Vm. Reinhardt - Loa Angeles Attached please find subscription blank which was handed me by members of the Campaign Committee of Christian Association with the request t htahte Ltahse VWeagtaesr YCooumnpgan Mye nm'ask e abu tcioonnt roifb ut1i1o0n0 .0t0o wthoiusl df ubned .v erIyt gwraesa tilnyd iacpparteecdi taote mde a tlhtahto uag hc aonntyr i­abmeo uvnetr yw ahciccehp ttahbel We.a terI aComm aplasnyo waottualcdh bieng w itwlol ifnogl dteor sc osnhtorwiibnugt e would lwiotretrhayt cuormem ufnoirt tyh per oajbeocvte, praonjde cIt .f eeTlh itsh aptr oanjey odte oselesmlso nt aos beto a whether the Hater Company will be willing to give a contribution should be made by you. Please advise. Haag Attachments - 3 LRHslm