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Las Reitew Journal Water District Bond Issue Vote Hoped by Corning Fall Faced with critical Isas Vegls water shortage, the Las Vegas valley water district directors, along with representatives -of the Colorado river commission, moved today to bring the water - • - ’ • trict proposal to a bpnd i ssue vote before the summer is over. The water district directors met this morning with John V. Mueller, GSA ’ representative, and Frank Strong, of the Colorado river commission, to nego-ttatp revisions in the interim contract for th e' transferral of the pumping facilities from the GSA to the water district. The GSA had requested re- i visions of the stop-gap agree-1 pient. lt asked that amendments < reciting benefits which would accrue to the state.of Nevada and the lessees at the Basic plant, be added to the agreement. A proposed draft was submitted by w-ato-r .district to Mueller this morning and he reported he Would approve all amendments made iii accordance with the GSA requests. Last minute negotiations were under way this afternoon between the three agencies involved with the Southern Nevada power company, to provide for additional power facilities to take care of proposed operations at the Manganese Incorporated. An 8,000,000 kilowatt hour allotment, provided to the Man- • ganese Incorporated by the CRC, j is now transported over a 69,- 000 KV line currently used to ! furnish power for pumping faci- 1 l^ties at the Henderson water plant. ; The water district officials; raised the question that if M an-: ganese Incorporated is allowed 1 to use this line alone, this will' crippie the pumping facilities j and the district would like to have the line cleared so that. the pumping facilities could con- j t.inue. . f There is another line which could be used and every effort : will be made to transfer the Manganese Otes power allot- : men! to that line. The transfer is the subject of the meeting j this afternoon. An emergency meeting of the 'CRC has been, called for this week, as soon as a quorum- can ; be rounded up, to give approval , to the transfer of the Manganese i Ores power load to the other line. The water district has scheduled a meeting for-this, after-noon, at which time progress of the negotiations will be dis- j cussed and every effort made ' to speed up the program so the ' bond election can be held this fall. Jess Larson, GSA head in | Washington, is scheduled to leave for Belgium' on July ,15, and it is hoped the presentne-gotiations can be concluded in time for his approval before he leaves. ^uly 10 1951