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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 *»• $49 t i l l this mmi mmmmmi that hm tmm um Mm wmm iOUPAff* a corporation ff to stat* of Umdi, toator, la consideration ©f the sua of Tea aM a©/100 Milrn (#10.00}, to It in head paid, to reoolpt toroof 1* hereby tonowledgtd, 4©#* hereby dim and «fit to Sft. w* CL&BE, 4. 1* CAUL** and 4. 0, OtUKf, of Loo ?*§**» Eerad*, Sranteee, That oortaia paretl of load situated la the 01If of to f*g*»# County of Clark, flat# of 8#ir»d*,aiid be­ing that portion of to Southeast dvuuptar of tfeo South­east Quarter of iSootion toaty-eeeoa Iff}# township Twenty (W0) South* tog* ai*ty~oa* ($1) tot* H.i.f.d $*, desorlbed a# follow* I Beginning at a «©»»r#i* uoauaeat **t at to north­east oonutr of to Sl| of to ail of said Seotlon tf$ tones along th« east Hat of ©aid totiott if $. 0* 00* 4©* 9. ifil.lf foot to & 9-1noh Iroa pipe tot at to northeast eoraer of to land ©onreyed to to ?©«*» tour School Btetriot fto.lft by deed recorded la Booh 29 # page 444, of Beed#, reeont* of oald County; tonne along to aortorly 11a# of oald parcel of load oeaveyed fcy sold deod «. $9* it# «0* *. 280.fl foot to a 2-iaoh iron pipe o#t at to northwesterly eorner of told parcel of loads tone# along to northwesterly Ua# of said parool of load eoaeeyed by sold d«*d i. 27* 30* 40* i. 367.2© foot to ft 2-ineh iroa pip* oot ft to »o»t west­erly ©oraor of oald*! of loads th*ao* M. if* ft* IP f» aiO.O tot to a f-laoh Iroa pip* set la to south**ot*rly Ua* of Um Stoats tone* along said southeasterly Un* 8. ff* 30* 40* I, 84$,9$ foot to to point of boginning of a tangent euro* eoaeaee nortoent- orly and haring a radius of 1040.9 tots ton©* eontlnulng