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iliif iigl Wm'iM U fritter, . ' tliS 0%-m*K.'V* Platt,. . . . ' la! t jMke City, ii-feii* **£ dear ? ”*r. Hidleey-*- '. ' -? ? XT.-fjwXX:-.' yo:Qj? f&VQT Sf til® life. tefftsufe* isno ilfip®; and fast ml® slttit 'pflia* R'ffl a'ftmiM lie submitted to. gw 40T®ti and t©’? Claire* Years «•»!;,; lehrring YSV laarriialaa. ®js If :k% time* ftp# - . Bancroft sooiaed to have cosplot© authority and i'«.Hf #ijf ;" ? e- things le-s iifep3fist to wtiii* ms then the Jir&mit-* i>B aoaiist*©* inter, after' p§| iuarrlaaaa'B death, -a:*-£&»*• croft seemed Usis .''.tint to -fri-fJC'f-f to ^Rde®. Oomlsli and *st»si? dodge lovett lets ©£ aifasi matters "which. • ;>r* ulark tboagnt nffiiosoBsary and matters on is^ibh'Yh**Clark thought It© had &i3lii9:sflie? to act. ' line© we- have inaugurated the auugeh _ i|pg^| of course,the- "XssreeutiveOor mitt ae approved each S»©35 ail large essjjendi tnree. and then a year or two-tag ©'Judge CgvSii IsiM tiial >©e ®i«S® f»wfci 11? nwrow all-oaman&i** tures each- south that IS© flslMifii Comithe© .had. 'approved end show in 'detail all "er^ancH tmros in excess of -1,4500* ©phis we are doing, and it-.'gives the Xseonfcivc Ooisnittee, ' iso- crei.VB a copy- ow the. minute3 TaS- does also >YY. Platt, Infercm’* tion as to Just-what large cirpemlltvirDS are feeing approved -each month* i X few souths ago the Senator sot aftwi^us afeoutgg several Sflitfl inatfeers t»t .tdehira 'tfe».,9i2g^t;-^K,dg'e - T.ovefcfc, and .wanted .11; imcx? why he couldn't f«l the inforriafe- ior* diroot fran Oar off loo. X. remember- H® of than in. par** tidniar,- feeing'tfeS'issttsf'o.£ -engine fHllitros, so tfeafe sr» . feraiBhing *hw 'Senator:.«b4b mohthvtho englai -feilnro..state- : : eweiit which ;s*. ‘ fi^visson gets mit. ill!!!! w v f|i§ r-W4T}% li#li§l§§llfi|iIlfs raid whenever ho -was. away ©a .a~ vt. c#t.ion or out on -the rood,, x rwrttft Mr? dally giving Ms a ©ynopMe ft JS|f morning reports asa other Blatters of iat«r£-»st Isis # o - xx- during . •'th© day. A' fetr years ago -while h® ? in rXM.irras ©ad -the fonator i/se' tfecra st the nr. n t *.• x*~. #81 x.-m-k. tor got ho id of , ?-one: of these ’ letter a^mnd.- granted -to'‘)Mawr |fhy he" cop Ida* ti. have this information daily, uf> ever since tnen w© -h? v-.. few wit. 5?riting Mm a flail a 1- tter giving-the record of th.® sassen^r firoi na* how much late they.'-are* passengers carried, loads movod, on— gins-feilnrss.-Weather, feaidr-fefe3Unc©s and other information of this kind* ' It rune from about a ^age to *n -page and a Ju-.lf af. xifW-lirhiad* - ? - ’ ? ", - - :, '--..I' 1-11