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I agree.. . : ,( c o p y ) Las Vegas, Nevada, May 1916 , Mr. H. C. Nutt, General Manager, S alt Lake R ailroad, Los A n g e le s ,C a lifo rn ia . Dear S i r : - I am w r itin g you,in b eh a lf o f the business men o f Las Vegas, Nevada, who have taken steps to organize a permanent base' b a ll team in said c it y , and in connection therew ith to b u ild and e sta b lish a f i r s t - class b a ll ground and park. We have ra ised in the neighborhbod o f One Thousand D o lla rs, to put the grounds in c o n d itiio n and a b u ild in g thereon a good grand-stand. In lookin g over a su ita b le lo c a tio n fo r a b a ll ground, we found a p iece o f ground which would be id e a l fo r ourjpurposes, situ a te at the corner o f F ift h and Freemont S tre e ts . We took up the matter o f securing th is ground, w ith your rep resen ta tive, Mr. Bracken, and he advised us to take the matter up with you p erson a lly. We are desirous o f g e ttin g a lease i f possib le or some assurance from the company whereby they "w ill l e t us use th is ground fo r a period o f not le s s than f i v e years. One reason fo r d e s irin g th is p iece o f ground is , that i t is c e n tr a lly located , and a com paratively le v e l p iece o f ground and su ita b le fo r b a ll ground purposes, In th is connection I want to sta te that one o f